Restore balance to the body using a gentle, tactile approach.


Osteopathy aims to relieve pain, spasms and inflammation, and more


Gentle mobilization and stretching techniques heal the body

The difference

Why osteopathy?

Relieve pain naturally, release stress & restore your health. Are you experiencing chronic neck and back pain? Or, are you overcoming from a sporting injury? Perhaps you simply feel like your health is not what it used to be? If you’re like many patients, you may have tried countless ways to get lasting pain relief with little success. Or, you may have received multiple tests, yet your doctor has not been able to find what is “wrong”. Whatever your complaint, osteopathy can help you to relieve neck and back pain naturally, recover from sporting injuries, and restore your health.

Discover a practice that makes you



E · N · E · R · G · E · T · I · C


Receive gentle guidance

With an experienced osteopathic you can trust

I was working as the head nurse at a pediatric clinic in Obninsk, Russia, and it was inside the walls of the clinic where I witnessed the transformational power of therapeutic touch.

Almost immediately, I committed to pursuing my education in massage therapy.

My passion eventually led me to the Canadian College of Osteopathy in Toronto where I completed 5 years of study and graduated with a Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice (D.O.M.P) and a Diploma in the Science of Osteopathy. Beyond my formal education, I also received advanced training to treat concussions, stress disorders and various neurological conditions.

-Olga (RMT, D.O.M.P., D.Sc.O.)

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Some of our treatments


Cranial Sacral Therapy

By applying gentle pressure on your skull and spine, Cranial Sacral Therapy helps to relieve symptoms of stress and tension while enhancing your body’s self-healing potential.


Muscle Energy

Gentle and deliberate muscle contractions help you move energy along the lines of the body so you can relieve pain and improve musculoskeletal function and joint function.


Myofascial/Soft Tissue Techniques

Myofascial tissues are soft tissues that surround and support the muscles throughout the body. By applying gentle pressure on “trigger points”, patients report reduced chronic pain, improved flexibility, increased strength and much more

Explore our treatments

With a variety of types achieve your ideal result

When it comes to working with patients, our philosophy is simple: we find and treat the root cause of the issue so that we can achieve the best outcome for our patients.

Osteopathy helps improve postural balance, flexibility and the healing capacity of the body

Osteopathy helps improve postural balance, flexibility and the healing capacity of the body

Improve your quality of life