Osteopathy Treatments


What exactly is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy helps to restore balance to the body using a gentle, tactile approach. Practitioners are trained to treat patients holistically, rather than simply managing symptoms.



Cranial sacral therapy

By applying gentle pressure on your skull and spine, Cranial Sacral Therapy helps to relieve symptoms of stress and tension while enhancing your body’s self-healing potential.

Muscle energy

Gentle and deliberate muscle contractions help you move energy along the lines of the body so you can relieve pain and improve musculoskeletal function and joint function.

Gentle spinal and joint mobilizations

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Myofascial/soft tissue techniques

Myofascial tissues are soft tissues that surround and support the muscles throughout the body. By applying gentle pressure on “trigger points”, patients report reduced chronic pain, improved flexibility, increased strength and much more.

Counterstrain technique

After identifying a point of musculoskeletal pain called a “tender point”, this technique helps to reduce the pain the tender point elicits when pressed.

Visceral normalization

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Still not sure which treatment is right for you?

Some of the positive “side effects” of osteopathic treatments may include



Improved posture so you walk “taller”.


Blood flow

Increased blood flow to all areas of your body (when your blood flow is “blocked”, it reduces the body’s natural ability to repair itself).


Increased flexibility and feeling more “in tune” with your body’s signals.


Improve your quality of life